


Maintenance and maintenance of detachable plate heat exchanger in central heating system

1. with softened water as supplemental water, reduce calcium and magnesium ions and chloride ions in water, but this operation cost is high, and the hardness, pH value, alkalinity and chlorine of the circulating water of the system must be strictly monitored. The main technical indicators such as roots and suspended solids are adjusted in time; the common method is to directly use tap water as supplementary water, and add scale inhibitor to the system to prevent the formation of calcium and magnesium scale and corrosion under scale.
2. to exclude or reduce the content of impurities such as suspended solids in circulating water, detachable plate heat exchanger in dynamic circulating water, suspended solids including mud sand, residue, powder, biological slime, and equipment Corrosion products such as iron oxide, copper oxide and the like. It is known that adding filters on the replenishing water and return line and cleaning them frequently can remove some of the large particles of suspended impurities. At the initial stage of operation, the system will be flushed and drained. To remove corrosion products and residual impurities during construction during shutdown. And in daily operation, it should also regularly discharge pollutants to reduce suspended impurities.
3. adjust the appropriate flow rate, as far as possible to ensure that the flow velocity distribution in the heat exchanger should be uniform to avoid a large velocity gradient, to ensure uniform temperature distribution; to ensure a reasonable pressure drop and no corrosion Under the premise, increasing the flow rate helps to reduce dirt and prevent corrosion under scale.
2019/05/11 10:19:27 4725 Click

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