


Plate heat exchanger pad

(1) non-adhesive sealing alignment: put the sealing ring in place: put the sealing ring into the sealing groove correctly: in the sealing groove, the cross section gradually decreases Grooved structure to properly position the seal.
(2) Adhesive seals. Depending on the purpose of the gasket and the quality of the seal, blending sealants and non-harmonic sealants from different manufacturers can be used. Before bonding, a vapor stream should be used to thoroughly remove the adhesive remaining on the bonding surface and the residual gasket. For blended sealant bonding, the residual adhesive and residual gasket on the bonding surface of the plate heat exchanger must be burned off.
When bonding in large quantities, the liquid nitrogen tank of the frozen seal should be prepared, and the heating furnace should be prepared for the drying of the plate heat exchanger with gasket. The heating temperature should be 160. °C, if possible, the plate heat exchanger should be chemically cleaned to ensure complete removal of the gasket of the bond remaining in the joint surface of the plate heat exchanger.
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